Tuesday 10 December 2019

I Pergi Bank 2.0

Side note : Actually this post has been in my draft for quite sometimes. Not sure why this draft yet to be published, (maybe I'm just been busy dealing with the earthlings. lol), but here it is. Why 2.0, because I have published one post about I went to the bank also before this.

-My friend once told me that everyday, God is actually trying to tell us something. We just need to thinks (ponder) and reflects back on all the signs or things that happened to us on the day, on daily basis.

Today (this is like 1 year ago?), I went to the bank because I need to pay for my loan which is I need to bank in the money. So I straight away go to the cdm and do the transaction like normal. After like 2 minutes, I finished my transaction. But, I did noticed something weird, that during I'm banking in the money, I feel like someone is behind me waiting for me to finished and it's weird because the cdm besides me is vacant at that time. You know, instead of waiting for me to finished, why dont you just use the empty available machine there right?

And so, I was right. That person is actually waiting for me to finished. I was about to left the machine and he, he by the way is a bangladeshi (i think), were stopping me, with a lots of cash in his hand, and show me a piece of paper. The paper was written an account number, and he was actually trying to seek help to bank in the money that he was holding. Total money to be exact is RM 1700 (thats a lot what I'm trying to say here). I was a little bit sceptical and kinda afraid, you know some stranger seeking help from you instead of other people in the bank.

So, I said to that guy (age more like uncle), you do it yourself. I'll guide you - Something like that la. Now you touch the screen, select language, key in the account number, and so on. When I saw him putting the money into the cdm, I can see that his hand was trembling out of nervousness I guess. You know the feelings of not knowing how to do something and do it for the first time kind of thing. And at that moment, I feel some guilt inside me because initially I did not want to help and i was a little bit stern and not in a friendly manner at all because I was being cautious at the same time. However, I feel relief because I helped.

When the transaction completed, that guy took the receipt and said thank you to me with a wide smile on his face. I smiled back and said no worries and so, I left.

Seems simple, it just an everyday situation that occurs in this world. However, those situation really made me thinks throughout the day. Why, out of quite a numbers of people in the bank, I was the chosen one? I guess God is trying to give me chance to do good.

"Always pray to have eyes that see the best, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith"

Thursday 28 November 2019

Kisah Penang Bridge International Marathon Aku

Ok lah aku cerita sikit lah experience aku join Penang bridge marathon ni. This year marked my 3rd year joining this penang bridge marathon. First time i join for 10km on 2017. At that time, aku cuma nak take picture atas jambatan je bukan nak lari sangat pun. Motif sangat kan. Tapi ok lah aku still finished the run before cut off time. Time ni handphone aku rosak sbb apa tak ingat tapi rosaklah. So terpaksa pakai handphone yg abang aku bagi kat mak aku. Pinjam. Tujuan handphone itu nak tangkap gambar sebenarnya. Dah kata tadi nak naik atas jambatan untuk tangkap gambar, apa kejadian kalau tiada handphone untuk tangkap gambar kan? And after marathon finished, i waited for the shop to open at quensbay mall, to buy a new handphone. Yes the struggle is real. Using someone else's phone is not cool. Sobs. Cing! New phone purchased!

Then, aku rasa motivated and inspired to try for half marathon 21km. Aku ni jenis suka cabar diri aku sendiri and bila time nak execute tu aku akan macam ah just go for it lah. Apa nak jadi jadi lah kind of thing. Because I know I can do it. And so, i registered for my first half marathon on 2018 which is last year. Everytime I started something, I always macam ok I will practice to run consistently, secara istiqamah gitew. TAPI semuanya dusta belaka. Tak pernah consistent. I. DID. NOT. PRACTICE. AT. ALL. Bahahhahha. But ada lah few times aku pergi jogging and joined a few fun run. So, when the marathon day, macam biasa me being me, i'll just go for it the kind belasah je lah attitude. Lol. Flag off pukul 3 pagi so kitorang pergi dalam 2 pagi something lah. Ya Allah tak tahu pulak nak masuk parking kat queensbay tu jem strawberry berry nak hoi. So almost 30-45 min jugaklah nak masuk parking tu and of course we were very late. Bayangkan kitorang tengah dok jem nak masuk paking ni, then dengar hon flag off tu and nampak orang dah start lari. Siot betul. Kitorang dah lah macam lambat lagi je nak masuk parking ni. And obviously ramai jugak yg akan start lambat jugak ni.  So bila dah parking tu, berlari-lari anaklah kami ke starting point, ye kena start from starting point tu to scan the timing dekat bip kita tu and memang time tu dah lambat giler kitorang start. Macam aku cakap aku memang tak practice langsung, baru start lari pun aku dah penat and rasa nak pengsan dan macam-macam lah perasaan time tu. Aku duk lari kejap jalan lari kejap jalan, pastu ada pakcik start lambat gak tapi dia memang lari lah, and sempat tegur aku, time ni aku tengah jalan, 'eh apa jalan ni lari lah, jauh lagi perjalanan ni dah lambat ni' kata beliau. Aku pun lari laju potong pakcik tu, pakcik tu kata 'eh laju pulak' pastu dah potong pakcik tu aku start jalan balik. AHHAHA. Pastu pakcik tu potong aku balik and suruh aku lari lagi. Sebab time tu baru dalam 2 or 3 km kot. And at that time dah macam started nak hujan dah rintik-rintik hujan. Pastu aku pun lari lah sikit-sikit, sebab marathon kan bukan walkathon. KahKah. Then suddenly hujan started to turun dengan lebatnya. It was pouring cats and dogs. Kilat guruh and perasaan gemuruh sume ada pakej. Time ni aku cam ah whatever lah, jalan je lah sebab nak lari memang dah takdak tenaga. Hujan lebat kot dah lah tak nampak jalan kasut penuh air seluar basah melecet abeh kakiku. Syok gak mandi hujan time tu. Ada 2 kali jugak aku nak terkencing aku kencing je sambil jalan tu, sebab kan tengah hujan lebat. BAHHAHAHHA. Along the way tu memang ramai yg stuck kat bawah jejantas, diorang stay kat jejantas sebab hujan memang lebat tiada belas kasihan punya. But aku teruskan jugak aku jalan je laju-laju. Time sampai dekat finishing line tu lebih skit dari cut off time so still eligible for medal. Well memandangkan aku start lambat, actually my timing not that bad lah considering hujan lebat itu pun adoi. But waktu nak ambik medal tu ada drama lain pulak. Aku pelik kenapa ramai sangat beratur nak ambil medal, like sangat ramai. Rupanya depa cancel 10km punya run atas sebab hujan (padahal time ni hujan dah tak lebat) and asked the 10km participants to straight away take the medal. Dah bercampur yg half marathon dengan 10 km punya queue bercampur aduk sbb aku tatau pergi beratur dekat 10km tu. Ye lah mana aku nak tahu depa cancel 10km punya run. By the way, 10km flag off 6.30 am, and half marathon punya cut off 6.30 am. Maknanya di sini sepatutnya, bila half marathon dah abeh cut off, 10 km baru start run lah. Sebenarnya nak amek medal half marathon tak perlu beratur pun, kena pergi dekat queue lain. Then bila sampai dekat kaunter nak ambil medal tu depa buat perangai tak nak bagi pulak sbb katanya dah lepas cut off. Kepala hotak berjambul betul. Padahal yg melambatkan tu sebab 10km punya orang and management pun hauk jugak tak reti nak manage the crowd. So yg Tak dapat medal for half marathon ni riot ah depan kaunter tuh. Weyh hujan lebat gilers kot. At least  we ran and finished the run during the bad weather. But the 10km participants did not even start the run but can entitled for the medal. Where is the logic still wanna talked about cut off time? Funny. And after the riot, haha, they finally distribute the medal. So, waktu ni handphone yg aku beli time penang bridge marathon last year, rosak! Masuk air hujan of course! So kejadian dan kisah begini yg menampakkan aku seperti seorang gadget geek yg menukar handphone every year. Wadehek sangat. 

And suddenly a few months later, I registered for half marathon for 2019 early bird registration some more. Clap. This time for real, well thats what i think and i hope. But as usual, aku pun tak tahu this year macam perasan busy sikit. Dah lah tak practices, any other fun run pun tak join. Aku cuma join KL New Year run je 10km. And thats all. Pastu bila dah sampai bulan november mula aku gelabah sebab tak praktis langsung. After aku balik dari Japan tu, aku start praktis run dekat spice after work. First day stamina aku ke lautan pacific aku run 1km like that and jalan 1km like that, total 2km. Second day, stamina aku semakin kembali ke jalan yg benar menemui tuannya yg sangat memerlukannya. Stamina wise good, aku ran about 4km then i stop because i hungry havent had dinner yet. Third day, aku balik kerja lambat, so tak praktis. Fourth day hujan pulak, and aku balik lambat jugak. The next day aku dah prepare nak pergi Krabi so tak praktis. So balik dari Krabi memang dah tak praktis lah sebab a few days later dah marathon day dah. Kahkah. Lawak apakah yg sedang aku cuba lakukan? Basically takyah campur tolak sebab memang 2 hari je total days yg aku praktis for half marathon. GILA. Oh aku malas nak cerita tentang ketiadaan elektrik kat rumah aku yg membuatkan peti ais aku, ah no i cannot it was so heartbreaking and smelly erk. Because of the no electric at my house, aku tidur dekat rumah Mak Pak aku kat Taiping lah. Maknanya kitorang kena bertolak dari rumah awal lah sebab nak parking tu karang jem strawberry berry and aku tak mahu dah flag off lambat. BUT we were late again. but not as late as we were last year lah. This time macam late dalam 15-20 min like that. The weather was good no raining at all eventhough we got baju hujan in our race kit. I managed to finished it before cut off time and got the medal without any drama and this year we also got finisher tshirt. Cool. This time handphone aku behaved well. Still standing strong. Lmao.

Panjang pulak story aku kali ni, ye lah 3 tahun punya cerita kan. Apa yg syok join marathon ni for me lah is dia punya dugaan waktu hang nak habiskan run tuh. Macam this 21 km kan, waktu kat atas jambatan dalam 5 km more to go tu hg dah memang kronik rasa nak give up dah weyh kaki sakit jari cekam, melecet and you name it. Itulah masanya yang kita kena push diri kita another level punya, mindset game playing strong this time. You wanna proceed or you wanna quit? Something like that. Waktu ni lah kepalahotak aku duk bermain-main kat dalam ruang legar otak tuh,'why am i doing this?' haha. But the moment hang sampai kat finishing line tu, fuh satu achievement and satisfaction feelings yg bahagia yg akan dirindui. 

Half marathon medal 2019

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Day 1 - 100 Days Challenge

Since my aliens gang have been involved with this 100 days challenge where they need to write a post everyday for 100 days on daily basis, thus, I have to do it too it seems? Yeah baby i have too for our aliens' happiness and peacefulness and toghetherness.

By the way, if you dont understand my english, worry not beby. Because I dont speak english, instead I speak alienglish. So our grammar and vocabs for sure a lil bit different. We call it suka hati ikut sedap rasa sesuci lebaran seindah bahasa.

Thinking back, this post is not only the first post for this challenge, but also the first post for the year of 2019! Wow amazing right? Yeah i think its amazing too. Thanks guys for your support. This is all for you guys. I love you all !  (Human must be thinking, what the hell is going on? )

So since this is the first post, let me teach you how to be cool.....like me. Good things we must share right. But I need to finish this post now, because in 9 minutes its going to be midnight and the date will be tomorrow already. So guys, i'll share with you all in another day ok? Till then goodnight and sweet dreams everyone !

Sunday 9 April 2017

Quick Catch Up


Good morning everyone! Hope u guys will have a lovely day today. Quite sometime I didn't update this blog. My resolution for 2017 is everywhere already. Sigh!

Nothing much change in my life currently. I have become more successful procrastinator. I just watched Beauty and the beast last week. Such a lovely movie. I yawned too much while watching, not because of the movie, but I was just tired perhaps. You know, watching movie after work always like that. Next week my friend already bought a ticket for Fast and furious 8. She bought it online while watching beauty and the beast movie just because she (we) wants the free gift, the car sticker and combo with whatever-i-dont-know-and-dont-care package.

That's it! Till then yaaa...Bye!

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Merepek + Spicy ramen challenge lah sangat

Hi darlingsss,

Ok aku nak merepek sikit malam-malam nih. Sebab apa? Sebab aku tengah serabut. Merepek ni pulak memang salah satu kepakaran aku. Rasanya kalau ada course merepek kat university, confirm aku dapat dekan every semester. Begitu hebat disitu.

Sekarang sebelum aku memulakan bicara menyusun kata dan ayat, lemme tell u guys something yg sangat menyayat hati dan perasaan aku. Sampai aku rasa nak nangis sebab kepedihan dan kesakitan yg dirasai memang tidak dapat dibendung waima cuba dipujuk dirayu dan difikir ke arah yg lebih cerah. Sudah seminggu kawan-kawan sekalian. Seminggu! Seminggu.. aku makan bubur je. Actually taklah exactly seminggu. But almost. Orang utara panggil Moi. Aku makan moi sup je weyh kat market depan Office aku apabila time lunch tiba. Ini semua gara-gara ulcer di kiri dan kanan lidah aku. Sobs. Merana disitu. Dah lah aku ni mengidam macam-macam. Kalah orang pregnant. Haih.

Dah macam-macam cara yg aku sudah cuba buat. Ok tipu. Baru satu cara aku dah give up. Aku letak garam kat ulcer tu. Oh My Lidah. Sakitnyer hanya tuhan saja yg tahu. Boleh menggelupur seperti ikan yg terdampar di pasir laut china selatan..Tapi lepas sakit kena garam hilang, perasaan selepas itu agak sedap dan nyaman. Namun kusangkakan panas sampai ke petang, tetapi rupanya hujan di tengah hari. Aku ingat esok dah sembuh dan pulih seperti biasa. Tidak! Semuanya cuma angan-angan dan mimpi sahaja. Tidak mungkin akan sembuh dengan kadar sepantas itu. Mungkin ulcer telah membuat aku berfikir terlalu positif sehingga mencapai tahap mustahil. Tetapi mereka bilang, nothing is impossible in this world. Tiada yg mustahil. Tak kisah lah nok!

Mak aku pulak, tak habis-habis rekemen aku suh kunyah sirih. Aku masih berfikir sehingga post ini ditulis, perlukah aku mencuba dan melayan reccommendation mak aku itu? Hurm. Kunyah sirih weyh. Ini bukan main-main. Can u guys imagine it? But I might willing to give it a try memandangkan aku yg teringin nak makan char kuey teow lah, nasi goreng lah, and whatsoever lah and la la la (list goes on). Ulcer please go away! Waaaaa!

Hah. Yg kelakarnya, dengan lidah berulcer kiri kanan yg besar and deep itu, boleh plak aku melantak spicy ramen cheese version punya. Ceritanya begini - Aku lapar. Tapi pemalas. Actually more to penat lah sbb baru balik kerja. Ok alasan, pemalas sebenarnya. Yang paling senang nk masak of course lah benda-benda instant macam megi sebagai contohnya. Tapi dekat rumah aku sekarang cuma ada spicy ramen ni je. Lepas tu aku pun gatal dan gedik p tengok youtube yg diorang buat spicy ramen challenge. Mau tak teringin. Dahlah aku makan bubur je beberapa hari nih. So aku tekad dan nekad nak belasah je spicy ramen tapi yg cheese punya sebab minda separa sedar aku cakap yg cheese punya kurang sikit pedas nya. Hurm menipu. Pedas berapi jugak. Bila dah nekad dan tekad, apa nak jadi, jadi lah! Kah! Dengan ulcer kiri dan kanan lidah, aku makan spicy ramen cheese. Memang terseksa tapi aku seorang yg tabah. Sebab tu aku dapat menempuh segala duri dan cubaan dan berjaya menghabiskan hidangan tersebut. Bangga jugak disitu. Sekarang aku baru rasa lega sikit sebab semua kepedasan dah berlalu pergi.

Apa lagi nak merepek? Oh aku bengang pasal kawasan rumah aku nih. Susah bebenor nak parking time balik kerja - kalau balik kerja lambat. Nampaknya aku kena bangun awal dan pergi kerja awal supaya balik kerja awal dan dapat parking. Wadehek sangat. Pagi tadi aku keluar pergi kerja awal kot dalam pukul 8.40 am tapi Masyaallah apasal banyak sangat kereta haaa? Jem strwaberry betul. Sampai Office pukul 9.15 am. Geram je aku rasa. By right dalam masa 5-10 minit dah sampai Office. Mungkin sebab nak Thaipusam ni kot. Kalau begini gayanya, aku kena pergi kerja lebih awal esok. Mohon dapat bangun awal dan terus cergas sejurus bangun dari tidur supaya aku dapat pergi menunaikan tanggungjawab mencari sesuap nasi, menyara kehidupan diri sendiri. Bahaha!

Otak aku telah menyampaikan pesan supaya aku menyediakan segala kelengkapan bekerja untuk kegunaan esok hari, sekarang. Untuk mengelakkan kekelam kabutan pada esok pagi. Seperti yang kebiasaan aku itu. Pagi tu lah baru nak iron baju lah, baru nak pilih baju apa nak pakai, warna apa dan etc etc. Ok lah, I want to iron baju now.

Chat soon. Bye!

Tuesday 17 January 2017

I Pergi Bank

Haritu I pergi bank sbb ada lah urusan bank yg nk diselesaikan. Lepas ambik nombor giliran, ok fine ada lagi lebih kurang 18 orang gap. So, buat apa lagi tunggu je lah kan. I duduk lah dekat this one chair. And the chair macam bangku yg tak ada sandar tuh. Macam open punya. Boleh imagine tak nih? Duduk...Tungguu...Main handphone...Then ada lah seorang pakcik nih datang duduk sebelah kenalan beliau yang lebih kurang sebaya. Tempat diorang pulak betul-betul depan I lah. Nak dijadikan cerita bila dah duduk mengadap macam tuh, sudah semestinya I can hear whatever they sembang you know.

Suddenly this pakcik keluarkan semua ubat-ubatan dalam beg dia. Beg yg pakai kat pinggang tuh. Dia cerita kat kawan dia pasal sakit ni sakit tuh, then ubat ni ubat tuh. Then the kawan also was like, ubat ni bagus, ubat tuh ok  and lalalala. By the way those pakcik actually more to like atok's level. I just keep staring at them without them noticing it of course! Those situation actually made my brain thinking and buat me macam sedar and muhasabah diri kejap.

Maybe benda ni nampak macam biasa, tapi for me its different. Waktu sekolah dulu, kita sembang pasal kerja sekolah, pasal cikgu, pasal artis and etc. And then bila dah kerja kita sembang pasal kerja, pasal bos, and pasal artis jugak. Lol! Then bila dah tua nanti sembang pasal apa pulak? Hurm.

Like I said earlier. maybe benda ni nampak macam biasa. But I dont know why I feel like menusuk ke kalbu like that. It made me think of future. Sebab banyak lagi benda that I haven't achieved walaupun umur macam dah banyak jugak nih. Sigh!

Nampaknya aku kena start fresh dari bawah and mendaki ke puncak kejayaan. Kena set target and goals to achieved. Kena tulis my to do list before 30. Break the leg leina!

Just some random thoughts here. Thanks for reading.

Saturday 31 December 2016

Random Conversation #1

Watak Utama

Cik Lily - Is my mother
Nomi - My youngest sister
Me - Is me obviously

Situasi di dalam kereta baru balik dari tesco. Pergi tesco sebab nak makan je and shopping kecil-kecilan. Shopping barang nk buat macaroni cheese je.

Cik Lily : Dulu orang dulu-dulu selalu dok buat lawak yg tak lawak pun. Orang dulu-dulu lah..

Me : Lawak apa?

Cik Lily : Lembu kalau tak lalu makan deme suruh bagi pakai spek hijau.

Nomi : ??? (Blurred)

Me : Heh, apasal?

Cik Lily : Bila pakai spek hijau, lembu tu nampak hijau je lah, die nampak macam rumput je semua. Rumput kan hijau.

Me : Hahahaha..Lawak lah mak yg ni..Hahahhahah

Nomi : *Gelak tak ingat dunia*

Cik Lily : Oh lawak ke?..heheh.. Lawak bodoh je nih. Orang yg bagi lawak tuh pun bodoh-bodoh gak. haha

Me & Nomi : LOL

And then we reached home. The End.

This is mak with her ukiran tembikai